I will go into the history of how I ended up with plans for going to Liberia, and about my preparations for my time I will spend in Liberia later.
For now I shall make clear a few things about my blog, not for you my dear reader, but for myself. Maybe I just like to see and hear my own words or I just like to explain things out to help understand my own thoughts/reasoning or it eases me to know that you now fully know where I am coming from. Either way, amuse me.
That brings me to my first point. I don't actually read blogs. I feel like that's kind of like a musician who doesn't listen to music or an author who doesn't read books. I have read one blog, which was Jason Mraz's blog and not even for the content so much as his mastery with words, even his blog is quite lyrical. The point being that reading his blog to me was no different than enjoying some other piece of art. But I have never really read anyone's blog, especially one belonging to someone I personally know. I've tried, but they just don't hold my interest. Maybe it is because I would rather just call the person or meet with them and sit down to discuss their blog topic in the person. Just one of the infinite reasons why I have yet to find an interest for someone's blog.
I actually have a point and here it is; if I don't care to read blogs, then I really can't expect people to want to read mine, because I can't blame them. So, kudos to all of you who have actually made it this far down the first post when I haven't even said anything of interest or really about Liberia yet. Bravo. And triple kudos to all of you who stick around for all the blog posts (you can redeem kudos at the end of the blog for a prize), because straight up I don't know if I would.
The reason I even began the blog was because a number of people told me I should, it would be an easy way for those who don't have the time to email me to keep up with me, and it seems like the thing to do when you travel out of the country. This blog really is for you, and I really do mean you, because you are actually reading this now. So, I appreciate you reading and I really hope you enjoy it, seeing as like I said, it is for you.
Next thing, I am very wordy. I get to typing and next thing I realize I have spent way to much exposition explain all these other little details just tell my story. Ask my friends, the stories get long. So, I apologize in advance that you may have to wade through a lot of words to get to the meat of what I am saying, which will be tough for someone who likes to get straight to the point. Though, I also apologize to the person who loves all my words, unencumbered, numbered words, because I might have to wrap these long stories I may tale, because I'm going to run out of electricity. Also, I apologize for my spelling, grammar, lack of lyricalism, and for straight up forgetting words (mostly articles) as my fingers scurry across the keyboard.
Oh speaking of having no more electricity to finish my long stories... I am only going to have electricity for 3-4 hours a day. I should be able to access the internet and do things (like update my blog) on a regular basis of some sort, but right now I shall consider myself fortunate to get to access internet once a week. So, I'll be sure to inform you in my first few blog post while I am over there if I'll actually be able to update a lot. So, once again, I apologize in advance if I can't actually inform you, my dear reader, of my exploits often. I have already apologized numerous times in just the first blog post! This does not forebear well for my poor blog.

Well, now on to serious subjects (at least in my mind of minds), the name of my blog. "Josh Went to Liberia(?)" First of all, I wanted some thing that was rather simple and obvious. You, dear reader, have just spent time typing into the address box of your web browser of choice and you want to know you are at the correct blog. "Josh Went to Liberia(?)" is what you find. "Looks like I am in the right spot," you say to yourself, "Thank you obvious and informative blog name." Clearly you think in your head the same way I do, because that's what I would have said too (feel free to not laugh at the jokes in my blog posts... because I will be very very far away in Liberia). Now you have been informed that this is infact my blog. Not just that though, because maybe you haven't heard that I actually left America for the summer or you had heard, but you just didn't know where I had run off to. Well now you have been informed of just where I went. If this is the case, that fun little question mark hanging on the end, debating whether it should be there or not, is actually for you. Because as you look upon my blog, you'll say with a questioning tone in your voice "Josh went to Liberia? Oh I didn't know that." This is then your opportunity to decide how you feel about me going off to Liberia for the summer and you can then follow it with either a 'cool' or a 'lame'. Like earlier, feel free to do as you choose, because I am very far away and will probably never know.
So, enjoy the multifaceted aspects of my blog name, use it with whichever tone you'd like and let it mean whatever you want. I am just glad I could provide you all with such an obvious, yet flexible blog name. Have fun. And remember... I went to Liberia (but not exactly yet).
Now I am out of ideas of blogging related topics.
*wait till the next blog to find out what prizes you can win with your kudos
Kuddos!!! NOW, do I win the prize?
ReplyDeleteI sure hope you might actually read my blog this summer while you are missing us and your Noah.